Hello Monday: Brand identity design.
When you are able to take a business philosophy, brand strategy and create a unique brand identity design, you have magic. When the story is so compelling that it generation conversation immediately you know that the business will grow.
The idea of Monday strikes fear into many an employee and leader, but what if the opposite of that fear became part of your company strategy?
As a new business it is so important to create an authentic story that connects with your staff and your potential customers. When working to develop the Hello Monday name and brand identity design we looked at the value proposition the client wanted to deliver.
Imagine you had such a great culture and team that every Monday they embraced it and yelled; Hello Monday. It’s wrapped up in the ability of the Hello Monday team to help you find and support the very best people and connect them with your culture and vision.
Beyond that there is the brand essence that became very practical to help the sales process. Each day we had a colour and business card assigned, the principle wore that colour shirt and tie. This become the talking point behind the name and therefore the physical manifestation of the brand itself and the value it added.
With this brand strategy, it created an enduring set of principles to grow the business by that are just as strong today as they were on day one.
How To Create a Brand That Drives Customer Loyalty
Download this brand strategy how-to guidebook which contains the 10 most influential steps required to help develop your brand and drive customer loyalty.