In this Webinar, Ambrose Blowfield and Cam Wilkes discuss online marketing strategies and tactics for success with your Website, SEO, SEM and Online Marketing Sales Funnels.

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Ambrose: Hello there, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to part two of marketing in a changing world. And boy, do we find ourselves in a fantastically changing world if we embrace these opportunities. Today we’re focused on all things digital in a short, sharp, punchy way with one of Australasia’s leading technical directors and digital managers, somebody I turn to for advice and guidance on all things. website sales funnels, SEO and SEM. The wonderful Cam Wilkes – How you doing Cam?

Cam: I’m good. Thanks, Ambrose. Thank you for the fantastic introduction.

Ambrose: Absolutely. It is absolutely warranted, my friend, believe me it is. That’s why you’re the man I turn to. And so the key thing, we’ve got four huge topics, we could clearly spend a couple of hours on each of these topics without even too much effort. And we’re going to cover these often short, sharp half an hour. What are a couple of key things we got to do when we look at all four of these key areas?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Well, one of the problems we see with a lot of people as they do a lot of these things in isolation need and we need to ensure that our branding and our messaging is consistent through all of these channels, and that they’re all working with each other towards the same cause.

Ambrose: Excellent, so with a clear cause in mind, don’t try to do one all by itself. And just make sure we’re consistent and on brand with what we’re saying. So I love this quote, and I love how you explained it as well. You know, build it and they’ll come right?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Well, actually no. People spend oodles and oodles of money on big, flashy, shiny websites and make slick because they’re big and flash that people will start showing up. And that’s just not the case. A new website is like a party like a party, you have to send out invitations if you want people to come along. And those invites are in the form of, SEO, ads, emails, all sorts of things – anything that will pull people to your website, – they will not come if you do not invite them.

Ambrose: I love that point. And, and so when we start to the website, which is often the starting point for people, keeping in mind, Cam a lot of people listening to today’s session attending today’s training, whether that is live or whether it is in recorded form, will already have a website, what are some golden rules they need to stop and really look at their websites and look for?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Well, not just what their website is doing, but where they are they getting their traffic from. They need to make sure that the people that they bring to their website or that they’re asking to come to the website or on the right channel. So as you can see here, they have different channels where we can pull people over to our website. And if people come to our website, and they leave without doing what we want them to do what to do, we’ve got the remarketing there. So of course, that feels a bit stalky but once they leave the website, we can follow them around the internet with banners and bring them back and try and get them to do what we want them to do.

We’ve got to make sure that we know what we want them to do once they get there. And that can be either buying a product, downloading a cheat sheet or a white paper, or signing up for our newsletter, and we’ve got to make sure that we let them know exactly how to do it and make it as easy as possible. And that’s the problem with a lot of websites these days, they get very complicated, very convoluted. We need to make it as easy as possible for people to do what we want them to do on our websites.

Ambrose: I love that. And I agree and I think that’s a key takeaway for people is, you know, ask ourselves, you know, what are we doing to invite people to the party being the party being on our website, we’ll touch on the retargeting later on or remarketing later on, but get clarity around once I’m make it your website. What do you want me to do when I’m there? Is it to reach out is it to make an inquiry is to download something. And then as you said, you know, as we’ll talk about with funnels later, you know, how do we get them to keep on engaging with us and developing that trusted relationship? So I always like your approach to philosophy at Waking Giants for this. What do you mean by working backwards?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: So what we’ve got here we’ve got a typical customer journey. You can see where we’re getting traffic from, whether it be YouTube, Facebook, other social media platforms, email, whatever we’re sending them to a website. Maybe they go from there to a product page then into a purchase page, and they purchase. What we do to optimize that customer’s journey is actually start from the purchase page, and work your way back. There’s no point creating these fantastic ads, if we’re sending people to a rough looking website that’s not set up to convert these people. It’s just a waste of money.

As you know, I’ve got an SEO background and we had a lot of people used to come to us and say, do SEO for our website, we’ll take a look at the website and say, “Look, we can send all the relevant traffic in the world to your site, but once they get here, they’re not going to do anything – your website is just not set up to convert.”
So we need to make sure that our website is set up to convert people to do what we want them to do before we start spending money on sending traffic to it.

Ambrose: I think that’s great and particularly in the world we now live in which is a changing world, we’re trying not to waste money in the wrong areas, and as you are saying, even from an SEO background or a technical background you’ve come from, there’s no point wasting money if you’re not going to get the transaction or the result you’re looking for , and obviously Cam, this does come from one of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People from Stephen Covey around starting with the end in mind. So it’s in keeping with best practice in life, not just in digital world. So obviously, you’ve talked about that engagement you talk about once we get to the site and converting, what’s all the excitement around landing pages?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: A landing page is a very simplified web page and generally your landing page is any page that you send people to, but what I’m talking about in this particular instance, is a landing page that is designed specifically to guide someone to take a particular action on the site. So as opposed to a website, where you’ve got navigation, you’ve may have a few pop ups, all that sort of thing, they’re very distracting, and they can lead people away from the core intent of that page. Landing pages should be designed specifically for one action and to drive people to taking that action.

Ambrose: Great. So could you give me an example of the two pages you’ve got in front of us here? And then people’s workbooks?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Sure, so that on the left hand side that’s our main brand strategy page on the website, that talks about brand strategy in general. We’ve got buttons to go and download certain things. We’ve got subscribe buttons, we’ve got our main menu at the top. There are a lot of bells and whistles on there that, if we had one specific aim for this page, they could get distracted and take off – versus on the other side, we send paid traffic to this landing page where people can download the 10 most influential facets of brand success. The only thing they can really do on this page is to either hit the back button or to fill out this form and download. So we’ve taken away all those distractions.

Ambrose: Great, so you know, when we look at this, this would be a page that maybe some AdWords or SEM might have driven traffic to and all they’ve got is those two boxes, put in your name so you can tailor make emails, give us your contact details via email, and then you get something right?

Cam: Correct. And we make it very clear on the ad too, what people are going to expect once they land here – “Come here and download your *****”.

Ambrose: Excellent. And I like that, like you said before, we talked about the four different areas we’re covering today’s training is be on brand, be really clear at it. I guess the last question I’ve got for you on this around landing pages are websites – if you are trying to collect people’s information, how much information is typically too much to ask for?

Cam: Well, I’m very basic. I like to stick to just two fields, the first name and an email address. With a first name you can customize nurturing emails that you send out and obviously you need their email address to do that. If you’ve got a very high ticket item and you need more information, to give someone a more cost customised experience with your brand later on down the track, then you may add a few more fields – there is that fine line where asking too much can drive people away?

Ambrose: Absolutely. And the good news is online, you can obviously measure that lack of success. So you’ve got a couple of free tools here for us –  what are they and what do we need to do?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: These are tools that you can people can implement straightaway. Both of these tools have free versions, and the Hello bar is a little pop up that you can have on a timer. In 10 seconds it will pop up asking people if they want to download a white paper or lead magnet or anything on your site. And then there’s subscribers where people can subscribe to your site and if you’ve got a new blog post up or something like that, you can flick out a little subscriber message to people who have subscribed and that will pop up in there in their browsers and let them know that there’s new activity on your site. It’s just another way to connect with your audience.

As you can see on the right hand side too, just conversion tactic that we’ve got on our brand page, these buttons that we’ve got on the page actually link through to the other landing page that was on the previous page.

Ambrose: So obviously, when you’re referencing, obviously the whole lead magnet, what you’re saying is when you give somebody something, and it sort of attracts them to give away their information, right?

Cam: Correct – and make sure it’s valuable. I’ve seen a lot of rubbish people are giving away and we’ve spoken about this before you can give away as much value as you’ve got. People are scared that others are going to take their valuable info and then go and create a business out of it to become a competitor. It’s just not the case.

Ambrose: No one’s got the time or necessarily the passion to mimic all of what we all do, personally, so, SEO – this is your background, I know you could expand for weeks on this one topic. I guess the key thing is most people understand that the essence of what it is, and but what are some of the golden rules?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: So it’s all about making your site more visible in the search engines, preferably Google in New Zealand. I think it’s about 97% usage. But in the USA they have a few more Bing users. Whatever Google does, Bing tends to replicate anyway, so we optimise for Google.

There are on-site and off-site aspects. On-site is technical and the content that you’ve got on your website, how fast your website loads, that sort of thing. Off-site is who links from their websites back through to you. And some of the stuff you shouldn’t be doing is getting links from dodgy websites. Like hangs around with like, meaning that if Google sees a few links coming from dodgy websites, it tends to consider your site dodgy also.

Ambrose: So don’t try to cheat Google, Google’s very clever.
Okay, so tell us about this tool. And also the fact that there’s a 10 day trial so people can make the most of.

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: So this is a tool called Mangools that we use as an agency. And before we start any SEO process, we want to make sure that we’re going to start ranking a website for the right keywords, and we’ve got to make sure that those are keywords that people are actually looking for. So for us, specifically “business strategy” is what we work with. So we key in “business strategy” to see how many people are looking for that in New Zealand and we can see here that for the term “business strategy”, 330 people a month are looking for that so that’s pretty good keyword.

Obviously, the higher the search volume, it tends to get more competitive. So we don’t just want to stick to very competitive keywords. We also want to go for longtail keywords which are sort of three to five words long which have got less search volume but they’re going to be easier to rank for, and lots and lots and lots and lots of those little longtail keywords add up to a lot of traffic at the end of the day.

Ambrose: Fantastic. What about a 10 day trial? What can people do with that Cam?

We actually pay for the software because we’re an agency when we use it for clients. But if you’re not an agency, and you just want to get your one website information – keywords, this 10 day trial is plenty of time for people to go in there and get screeds and screeds of really good data – keywords, and search volume. I think it’s quite limited. You only have a certain amount of searches per day, but it’s more than enough for most websites. I would take full advantage of the free 10 day free trial go in there, get as much info as you can, then apply it.

Ambrose: I love that and other videos to guide people through it if they’re not so technically minded like you.

Cam: Yes, there are there, I’m pretty sure once you sign up, you start getting emails, they start showing you how to work it. Obviously, they want people to know how to use it and get quite intrenched in it because they want people to start paying for it, but they’ve a video library as well.

Ambrose: Thanks. And now we know that typically if you understand the how spiders and crawlers, they do track us and rate websites or web pages over hundreds of different aspects. Why have you listed these aspects as examples of good on site SEO?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Well, as you can see, the number one title tag is probably one of the most important on site aspects and Google looks at this thing first, and it gives it the heaviest weighting of what that particular website and that particular page is all about. As you can see on the Waking Giants site – “Business Consultants Focused on Leadership, Strategy & Brand” is the title tag that actually shows up in the Google search results as well. A lot of a lot of new websites that are created and people haven’t populated these title tags, have got something like “home” or something that is not relevant to the business at all. So it’s a really wasted space. Yeah, but then just taking advantage of.

Ambrose: So people could take this list away, obviously, from a workbook perspective, are there any other on that list of 10, you’ve got there cam that you think most people often forget to do?

Cam: What I’ve seen a lot of is large image file sizes, or people having got large photographs straight from the camera and instead of resizing them to the right size then putting them on the website, they just put it on the website and shrink them down. So it’s still a five megabyte photo, but it’s only sitting on the website at 5mb. Google places a lot of importance on PageSpeed these days, especially for mobile devices and that sort of thing. So if your page is taking longer to load than your competitors, then you’re going to be dumped down the ranking in the search engine results.

Ambrose: And obviously there are actually free tools online that you can shrink images in terms of the size and the depth and obviously the size of the files or how quickly it’ll load. Okay, what about Google Trends, Google Search, there’s a lot of topics to keep covering.

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Google Trends is good for people that may have got seasonal products or they want to find out trends for a particular keyword and how to prioritize over a similar. In the current environment, if you were promoting something to help people with face masks or something. If you were to go Coronavirus versus COVID-19. It shows you exactly what the trends are for both of those keywords and gives you a better idea of what keywords you should be going after and what keywords you may want to write content about if you’re wanting to get a blog out and rank the blog.

As for the Search Console, once you’ve already got your website, you add a little bit of code to it and it gives you a dashboard. That dashboard is a Google tool that allows you to see how many times your website has appeared on Google search engine results and what keywords that’s appeared for and what pages have appeared as well. You can see here on the left hand side, the total impressions are going up but the actual clicks aren’t so it’s telling us that this particular website the pages are starting to show in the search results pages, but maybe they’re a few pages back so they’re not getting the clicks with a bit more SEO hopefully they’ll get to the front page and then they’ll start getting the clicks.

Ambrose: I like that. I remember in the early days of teaching digital marketing someone said you know the best jokes ever was you know, if you ever to work to murder somebody, the best place to hide them will be on page three of Google because no one ever looks there anymore.

Cam: I like it.

Ambrose: Excellent. Okay, right measuring success, the beauty about anything digital marketing, whether it’s next week with Chris Young around social media or this week around our website with SEO/SEM, it’s so measurable, but then we can suffer analysis paralysis, right? So what we need to focus on.

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: So for a very, very top level, especially with SEO, on the right hand side here, we can do comparisons to you know how much traffic Google organic is bringing in.

So we’ve got here March this year compared to March last year. And we can see we’ve got an increase of nearly 25%, or new uses over 27%. So we can tell obviously, Google is bringing more traffic to us so the SEO must be working. If it’s flatlining and not doing anything, It’s probably that you’re not doing anything with your SEO or if you’ve got an agency, you’d start tapping them on the shoulder and say, hey, what’s going on here. If you do have an agency working on your website, SEO, ensure that you have got access to your analytics accounts. Because some agencies they run their own analytics platforms over that can hide specifics so that things don’t look as bad as what they are.

Ambrose: You probably don’t need to say anymore on that one. But what you’re saying is, if in our gut as a business owner, we’re thinking this isn’t stacking up or adding up, right? query it get the transparency and if it’s your data, or data, you should have access to it.

Cam: Exactly. And you know, if you want to swap or change providers as well, you should be able to say, here you go – plug someone else in. You’ve paid for these platform or pay for these accounts on these platforms. So you should have access to all the data.

Ambrose: So if someone’s being overly protectionist, possibly not a good long term partner for us.

Cam: Yes, something to look for when you’re choosing here.

Ambrose: So we’ve certainly heard a few horror stories around the world with the thousands of businesses we’ve trained. So what about off site SEO people seldom talk about this.

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Off-site SEO – It’s a bit of a dark art, there’s a lot of things that go on in the background, but generally, it’s all about how many links and where the links are coming from that link through to your website. Now, as I’ve got down here, not all links are created equal. The New Zealand Herald website is quite an authority website, so if you get a link from there, it’s worth infinite links from your friend Joe’s plumbing website.

As I’ve said previously, if you’ve, if you’ve got a lot of dodgy websites linking through to you, you start getting tarred with the same brush and Google starts thinking, Hey, we must have another dodgy site going on here.

Ambrose: So don’t cheat the system. So at a practical level, is it worth us trying to set up links to other people’s sites and vice versa, or should we just skip this?

Cam: I think can go to a certain degree, things like yellow pages, your findas, if you can find any online directories that allow you to have a profile  – some will charge for them. I probably wouldn’t pay for links – That’s a little bit of a grey area.

There are press release sites too if you’ve got something going on in the business and you pump out a press release, make sure you’ve got links on that press release back to your website so that when it’s online, someone may pick it up and you may have links coming from all over the place.

Ambrose: I like that. And also back to that Mangools tool. It says, you can actually sneakily use that to investigate where your competitors are.

Cam: Yes, you can. You can put your competitive site in there and it’ll give you a big list of the backlinks and if there are obviously you compare them the same industry and you can go and shoulder tap some of the other websites that have got your competitors links and say, Hey, do you mind us adding our website to your resources page or wherever your competitors have got the links on their sites.

Ambrose: Absolutely love that one there Cam. I like the cyber stalking, right. So that’s the kind of unpaid effort and planning and how does SEO different From SEM?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: So SEM is the is the paid advertising that you see when you do a Google search and you’ve got the two or three ads at the top, and maybe some at the bottom as well, they are a lot less obvious than what they used to be years ago, there were yellow squares, now there’s a tiny little “ad” they don’t like people to know that they’re ads.

Ambrose: Yeah. And generating big revenue.

Cam: Yes. So this is where we bid on keywords, and if we’re bidding high enough – higher than our competitors, we get a spot at the top there. And if we get a click on our ad, then we pay Google a little bit of money.

Ambrose: Absolutely. So obviously, I like that and people get a bit confused if they are going to set up their AdWords. So tell us about this account structure.

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: So this is a basic overview of how Google Ads accounts are set up.
Once you’ve got your main account, then you’ve got campaigns which you maybe if you’re like the Warehouse and you might be selling shoes and you might be selling handbags, you might be selling clothes. So generally a campaign would have a bit of a theme around it.

And then within that campaign, you’d have ad groups. And those ad groups will contain very similar themed keywords. And those keywords will relate to the ads, and those particular ad groups will also be similarly themed. So the keywords and then a group. So, if you’re selling blue shoes, the ad will mention blue shoes and all the keywords in the ad group will be around blue shoes.

Ambrose: Right. So it’s a very specific grouping the different ads together into a group as part of a campaign underneath your account.

Cam: It’s making sure everything’s extremely relevant as well.

Ambrose: Excellent. So show us the example he got the bottom for Waking Giants. And why is this a good ad?

Cam: So this particular ad, this is just to give you a look at the keywords, and the particular ads with messaging, we’ve got for people looking for strategy templates and business strategies. There’s actually a lot of people looking for templates for strategy, so most of the keywords are around strategy templates. And of course, our ad mentions our strategy template

And what people can expect at the other side of the ads – that it’s a 30 day strategy templates is short term, very precise.

Ambrose: So you’re saying be really on point. So when you do an ad, tell people what they’re going to get from that ad, then get into a landing page that tells them exactly those same things.

Cam: That’s it – when people land on that page they shouldn’t be looking for what was mentioned in the ad, it should be being right in front of them. If they have to spend too much energy or focus too much, then they’re gone.

Ambrose: And then you spend two or $3 or pounds and you’ve got nothing for it.

What are some of the things we need to be aware of in terms of the anatomy of an ad or other factors to consider if we are going to set up a Google ad campaign?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: I’ve we’ve got what I like to call power words in here, you know, “execute with focus on your activities to achieve business objectives.” And these are things that are going to inspire and motivate people to do something you want calls to action, here we are telling people to download it now, I’m telling people that we’ve got a video once they download it, there’s a video that explains exactly how to use it, we let people know about that.

And there are also what are called search ad extensions, and we’ve got a few of them here –  some of the ones at the bottom are called sitelink extensions. We’ve got call out extensions – leadership strategy, brand strategy, leadership consulting. All have these little bits and pieces increase the real estate that your ad takes up in the ad space so of course, the bigger your ad, the more authoritive it looks.

Google decides what it’s going to show what it doesn’t so just because you got them set up doesn’t mean they’re going to show up.

Ambrose: So Google will decide whether to shrink your ad and the number of words it shows?

Cam: Correct – yes

Ambrose: So they’re the biggest kid in the playground they get to take out money and tell us the rules.

Cam: Yeah, pretty much

Ambrose: That’s how it works but at least you know how to play so what about this whole banner ads display ads, you know, how is that still relevant?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: Yeah, definitely. display ads.

Generally they’re not intent based. It’s more awareness based stuff.
As for search, people are looking for a specific item or piece of information.
Banner ads help make relevant audiences aware we exist by aiming for the right people by selecting certain keywords on a page to show ads on that page or pages on certain topics. We can choose which websites we want them to go on, if they are running display ads.
And we can choose the audience  – Google knows that this particular person has been on this site, and this site, and this site, and this site… so they’ll be into what you’re got.

And also retargeting, doing the online stalking thing – once people have left their site without doing what we want them to do. I’ve mentioned AdRoll here because we use AdRoll over Google retargeting simply because AdRoll you can get a bigger reach, and also it uses Google to pump inventory through.

Ambrose: So it is very easy to use Google as a platform, but you can use it to access other platforms?

Cam: Exactly. Yeah. And it’s very easy. Anyone can sign up for AdRoll. You don’t have to be an agency and I’m pretty sure they don’t have a minimum speed.

Ambrose: Right now Cam, this is something I’m incredibly passionate about. It’s something I know you’re a bit of a master with. When it comes to funnels. What are we really talking all about when we think about an online sales funnel?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: So the funnel is a really an aggregation of all the bits and pieces we’ve been talking about, you know, they’ve all each got their own part to play. But generally with a funnel, a lot of it, we can automate, someone clicks on an ad, they go to a landing page, they download a lead magnet, they go into an email nurturing, we nurture them, we keep giving them value. And depending on what they’ve done within the emails we’ve sent them or on some of our landing pages, they can be moved around on different email lists to be getting a more customised message for them. It’s really just automating as much as we can. So that the people that we are driving through funnels are getting a great customer journey.

Ambrose: Great. So developing that trust that thought leadership and adding value in here you’ve got it graphically broken down from obviously that come from different sources. And then we land on one of those lead magnet opt ins, which is a landing page, right?

Cam: Correct. Yeah.

Ambrose: And then you can have this be automated?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: There’s a lot of traffic sources here. One thing I’ve spoken about is that you don’t necessarily need to go for as many traffic sources as you possibly can, yes, you’ve got to make sure that your audience is on the right platform and then target the correct platforms. If you’ve got a bit of spare money floating around and you want to test a bit here and there, then by all means, go for it. But ensure that you’re focusing on the key platforms.

Now. We’re sending traffic through here. As you can see, we use funnelytics, which is a funnel visualization tool before we put anything together just to wrap our heads around the exact journey that we are going to send people through once they’ve landed on our lead magnet opt in page, and it helps especially with clients too, to get something visual like this that really helps people understand what we’re trying to achieve with the bits and pieces that we’re putting together.

Ambrose: Actually, in terms of lead magnets and what you’re giving them during that ongoing indoctrination journey, or that that lead nurture campaign, which could take obviously, weeks, and is it literally anything so it could be a downloadable document, it could be access to a video, it could just be some tool that’s going to add value.

Cam: Yeah. And then this is where the Mangools tool comes in really valuable because you can now find out what people are looking for.

There’s a really great tool, which I haven’t put in here, and it’s called answerthepublic.
So people have got their workbooks, scribble down answerthepublic. You put keywords in, and it will spit out oodles and oodles of questions relating to that keyword. And these questions have been taken from Google’s database, and they are questions people are asking Google. And so, if you’ve got something that’s answering some of these questions around your industry, there’s your lead magnet.

Ambrose: Love that. And so you’ve got oodles of different online building platforms these days for funnels. I know you’re on your website, I’ve seen it on your email as well. And you’re credited in the ClickFunnels space. But what about these other tools? Have you used those as well?

Cam Wilkes - Digital Marketing

Cam: We’ve got clients that have come on, and have already got some of these tools implemented, so I’ve sort of I’ve had to wrap my head around how these tools work, which most of them work, but they’re pretty much the same. Yeah, a tool is one thing. It’s the strategy and everything else that you put behind it.

Anyone can sign up to a tool, but if you aren’t using it with a bit of strategy behind it, and you’ve got no goal at the end, and then you’re wasting money.

‘I’ve seen a lot of people saying “I’ve been using this ClickFunnels for two years now and I’m not seeing any benefit.” And I say, okay, where are your plans? What was your strategy?  And they normally come back with “I didn’t start with any of that stuff.”

Ambrose: So the tool doesn’t fix it, we’ve got to get clear on what is our goal and purpose. And then as you said, start with the end in mind, track the journey think about it logically not just analytically, but think about it logically and build it towards that.

Cam: That’s it, it’s like having plans to a house, or not having plans to a house or setting a heap of timber there and a hammer. Without the plans, you’re not going to get too far in a hurry.

Ambrose: I barely build a kennel for a dog on that one. Okay, so you’ve got some fantastic tools. I know we’re going to wrap up soon. And what about these extra resources and training –  Why have you picked these ones out?

Cam: These ones here (the trainings) are for absolute beginners through to veterans

Sometimes I need to be reminded of some of the foundations in the industry – I drill down on some pretty technical stuff and now and then I need to be pulled out now and then just to be reminded of some of the basic stuff I should be covering first.

Ambrose: Great, so this this obviously online training we’re giving to people now and Coronavirus era and I notice I should use the word Coronavirus, not COVID-19. Because clearly that has a higher click through number at the moment. And this is a starting point. But then if we are going to take it further, if we’re trying to energise our team and get them focused, they could access all of this training and get some sort of steps in the right direction.

And I guess the key question I’ve got for you Cam, and I know it’s really hard to condense it. I know this is part of a three part free training series with Chris Young next week on social media, last week obviously Grant Difford, if there were one or two key things that anybody should do to look at improving their digital online marketing right now, what would those things be?

Cam: Use the Mangools tool and look for what people are searching for. Then create lead magnets to give answers to problems people are looking for and don’t be too concerned about giving away all your secrets.

I see a lot of people you know, especially in the digital marketing industry, everyone thinks it’s a bit of a dark art, it’s really not. It’s quite simple.

If you’ve got the logical progression and you know what you’re doing, there’s no secrets to be had. Obviously a lot of people working on their own businesses don’t have time for a lot of this stuff. So put as much value as you possibly can out to market don’t hold on to any secrets.

And just create some lead magnets and get them out there.

Ambrose: Cam Wilkes from Waking Giants. It is my privilege on behalf of to say thank you so much. You have not held back my friend. You have been incredibly giving of all of your trade secrets. And I know what goes around comes around particularly in the world of digital marketing. So thank you once again, Cam it’s been a privilege sharing this half an hour with you.

Cam: It’s been a pleasure, Ambrose. Thank you.

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