#50. Own Your 50% And Let Them Own Theirs.

The Art of Balance in Relationships.

In the intricate dance of relationships, whether they be with our partners, children, or clients, there lies a subtle yet profound truth: we only ever own half of the story.

This principle, seemingly simple, holds within it the key to healthier, more balanced, and more fulfilling connections. But what does it truly mean to "Own Your 50% And Let Them Own Theirs"?

At the heart of every relationship lies a delicate balance – a seesaw of emotions, expectations, and efforts. It's easy to fall into the trap of believing that we can, or should, control the entire narrative. However, the reality is far different. We are, in fact, masters of only half the domain.

Owning our 50% means acknowledging and taking responsibility for our actions, words, emotions, and attitudes. It's about understanding our role in the dynamics of a relationship and focusing on what we can control – ourselves.

The Pitfalls of Overstepping Boundaries

The flip side of this is the tendency to encroach upon the other person's 50%. This happens when we try to control, change, or excessively influence the other person. It's a common misstep driven by various factors – fear, insecurity, or even a misguided sense of care. However, this overreach can lead to conflict, resentment, and a feeling of suffocation. It's essential to recognize and respect the boundaries that define each person's 50%.

Embracing Personal Accountability

Owning your half of the relationship is a powerful act of self-awareness and accountability. It involves profoundly introspecting one's behaviours and their impact on the relationship. This might mean acknowledging flaws, working on communication skills, or simply being more present and attentive. It's about being the best version of yourself, not just for your sake but for the relationship's health.

Respecting Their 50%

On the other hand, allowing others to own their 50% is equally essential. This means accepting that we cannot, and should not, control how others act, feel, or respond. It's about giving them the space to be themselves, with all their strengths and weaknesses. This respect for autonomy is crucial in fostering trust and respect in any relationship.

The Challenge of Implementation

While the concept is straightforward, its application can be challenging. It requires constant vigilance and self-reflection. It's about catching yourself when you're trying to 'fix' someone else or when you're shirking your responsibilities in the relationship. It's a skill that needs to be honed over time with patience and perseverance.

Practical Steps

So, how can one practically implement this principle in daily life? Here are some tips:

  1. Reflect Regularly: Take time to reflect on your actions and their impact on your relationships. Are you staying within your 50%?

  2. Communicate Openly: Honest and open communication is key. Express your feelings and needs clearly, and encourage others to do the same.

  3. Set Boundaries: Understand and establish what is acceptable and what is not in your relationships. Stick to these boundaries.

  4. Practice Empathy: Try to see things from the other person's perspective. This can help understand why they might react or behave in certain ways.

  5. Seek Feedback: Sometimes, we are blind to our faults. Encourage those close to you to provide honest feedback.

Navigating the Gray Areas

It's important to note that this principle isn't about strict division or detachment. Relationships, by their nature, involve a blend of give and take. There will be times when one person may need to shoulder more than 50%, like during times of crisis or stress. The key is flexibility and adaptability, understanding that the '50%' is more of a guiding principle than a rigid rule.

The Transformative Power of Ownership

Owning your 50% can be a transformative experience. It can lead to deeper, more meaningful relationships built on mutual respect and understanding. It encourages personal growth and fosters a sense of independence and self-respect. Conversely, allowing others to own their 50% can free you from unnecessary burdens and unrealistic expectations. It can bring peace and a more profound sense of connection.


In conclusion, the concept of owning your 50% in relationships is a powerful tool for personal and relational growth. It fosters a healthy balance of responsibility and respect, leading to more fulfilling and harmonious connections.

It's a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and a deeper understanding of the complexities of human relationships.

So, as you navigate the myriad relationships in your life, remember to own your 50% and let them own theirs. In doing so, you unlock the potential for genuinely balanced, healthy, and satisfying connections.

Until next week, how much do you own?


Ready to take action?


#51. Refocusing on What Truly Matters: For Those Lost in the Superficial.


#49. Look Inward To Achieve Outward.