#68. 3 Reasons To Change Your Routine.

Because your brain doesn’t want you too.

If you have ever read any of James Clears’ work you will know by now that our brains are basically lazy and work extremely hard to automate as much as possible.

We also know from his work that it is more tricky when it comes to the stuff that we don’t want to have on auto-pilot; drink, video-games, late nights, the list goes on.

However, beyond the control of habits, sometimes you simply have to make the change. I spoke in my recent podcast about my family circumstances and how our routine has recently changed, but my brain put up a good fight.

For the past 13 years my wife has supported our business in many different ways, fundamentally to allow her the flexibility to support the early years of our daughter, but the time has come that she wants to have something for herself.

Obviously I fully supported the process and while I am sat here writing this alone, it has brought some new interesting dynamics into our lives including:

  1. First solid income for many many years

  2. We have to be more organised, she leaves early in the morning

  3. My schedule needed to be overhauled, thank you Trello

  4. Waste is no longer possible, time, energy, cooking

  5. Automation - I only have one pair of hands and two businesses - I need to use the tech to support me

  6. We have something new to talk about

  7. There is a new energy happening as Amy is on a new adventure

  8. I have to say no a lot more

  9. The time I spend with my daughter has significantly increased

So with that all said here are my top three reasons to change your routine:

  1. Your current routine may not be working for you, it’s just easy

  2. By you changing your routine, you may empower the growth of others

  3. Relevancy is critical in business - it’s easy to be forgotten.

There is certainly an argument against change for changes sake, but if you are on autopilot, you may continue to get the same results.

Until next week, make the change.


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#67. The 5 Questions We Must All Ask.