#67. The 5 Questions We Must All Ask.


My best mate and I have been active in a rolling conversation for nearly 10 years now. Only recently did we realise we never really deviate from our path of understanding and self-awareness, and as we get older we become more philosophical and less tolerant of bullshit.

Then a few days ago this nugget of gold appeared. Five simple questions that we should all ask ourselves:

  1. Where are you?

  2. Why are you there?

  3. Where do you want to be?

  4. Why do you want to be there?

  5. How are you going to get there?

Concept credit: Paul Sills

Until next week, answer the hard questions first.


Are you afraid to ask these questions? Let me me ask them for you.


#68. 3 Reasons To Change Your Routine.


#65. Harnessing The Power Of Purpose.