#36. Don’t Have An Opinion.

Standing strong requires discipline.

LONDON BABY… a city with unrelenting energy!

I’m a week further on in my journey to rebuild relationships and forge new ones, and it’s been tough. So much emotion involved where there should be action and so much new energy in this global city.

As I continue to work in and embrace London, I find myself in awe of what’s possible from humanity and how little we embrace what’s out there. So many myths busted and mistruths smashed. All due to the kindness and connection I have found in a city of 9 million people where being anonymous is a reality for the majority.

As I walk the streets, fall in love with the architecture, and crave more energy that this place shares, I reflect on a few things that hold us back as Lone Leaders.

The politeness and manners of Londoners; in this chaos, there is so much actual kindness, manners and acceptance that we are all in this together, something I feel we need to apply to all of our lives, and this leads me to my first observation of the week:

Don’t have an opinion on fucking everything.
In reality, it makes you look like a fool. And you are. I have seen endless comments on posts, emails and communications where someone has waded in with their size 10s and had a brain fart on something they have no knowledge or right to comment on, but they have because they can.

I’m not arguing the principles of free speech – I am arguing for less wasted speech.

A meeting was held where I am staying with a well-known person and, from what I hear, an extraordinary talent. He uses only the words required, doesn’t suffer fools and doesn’t do chit-chat—a rare skill in my view.

But why is this person of interest to me? The amount of time and energy he saves by not getting involved in ‘noise’ allows him to get on with his life and goals while others bask in their (or that of a stranger’s pit of despair).

Our goal must not be to busy our days with noise but to create days with long periods of meaningful silence.

Win by sucking less.
I hate to admit this, but this might actually be a strategy for the 21st century. I know, I know, ever the pessimist. But it’s true. We witness total mediocrity daily in all walks of life, yet when you raise the bar, you are seen as a disruptor.

So let’s keep this simple for you and your business. You can grow exponentially by doing the right things right. Manners, responsiveness, value-adding, and people-focused work.

Thats it. The magic, the secret, if you will.

Look at every aspect of your business and ask… where are the simplest, most impactful wins that, with a small amount of work, will CHANGE the landscape of your success? They are there; you don’t value the simple stuff highly enough.

Give up what you don’t need for what you must have.
Your weak thoughts, your poor habits, your products or services that don’t take you on the right path. My best mate and walking guide for my time in London has been talking all week about sliding doors moments. And how we can create them through our ability to know what we truly want, agree to the sacrifice, and do the work to get there.

With that said, you must realise that anything that slows you down or takes your energy must be edited out.

We have both made huge life-changing decisions in the past 2 years on a mission to live in a space that leaves us in awe of what’s possible and never regret each step and how it moves us forward.

A space that requires much soul-searching and self-reflection to embrace and, more importantly, take action against.

If you are going to do this as a Lone Leader – don’t waste a minute, don’t waste energy and don’t waste your thoughts on the things that do not and will not serve you in the long term. It is hard, and you will want to quit. But don’t. It’s worth it.

Until next week, judge less, think more, take action.


Ready to take action?


#38. Start Chasing Failure.


#35. The Comfort Zone.