#53. Business Is About Pain Management.

Which means I must be a pseudo-doctor!

You can’t go far if you own a business without tripping over the assumed glory of it all. The Instagram posts selling 1 million followers on an account with 100,000 of its own.

Then, follow this morning routine starting at 3 am, and you will be a millionaire by dinner (that you should miss because you should fast 23 hours of the day!).

All of which creates an unhelpful sense of being exactly where you don’t want to be, unsuccessful.

But that’s all bullshit, and as your pseudo-doctor, I’m going to tell you why.

They are not you, and you are not them.

They do not know your circumstances, and you do not know theirs.

Yes, we communicate, mostly through marketing, making assumptions about others based on a carefully curated headline or the glimpse of a video that makes them suddenly seem human.

Business is about pain management, especially in my coaching work, as we are our own toughest audience.

We are never where we believe we should be; the numbers are never what we deserve.

The story that we tell ourselves is both cruel and inaccurate.

The very purpose of being in business for yourself is because you have chosen not to follow the rules, be under the rules of another or stand for mediocrity.

As your business doctor, I can prescribe a life of mediocrity; that’s easy, and that’s why many choose it.

When you choose to forge forward into new spaces, you will be alone.

When you try new things, new products, and new thinking, you will be alone.

I’m not talking about bleeding-edge, world-beating ideas.

I’m talking about the world of you. What is new to you IS bleeding edge.

Never created a video? - that’s new to you. It doesn’t matter if Mr. Beast has 40 million views. He has done hundreds of videos, and he has become a master.

But if you have created one video and got 500 views, then you are more advanced than the person who didn’t create a video at all through fear of failure.

When I talk about pain management in terms of business, it’s part of the job. If a great idea fails, you have to comfort your ego.

Need more sales, you have to step into the arena even if you don’t like selling.

Growing so fast that you can’t sleep and are working 18-hour days, you are managing the pain of missing your family.

This is the pain you must manage to become the person you know you deserve to be.

You have to get to grips with that. It can be a desperately lonely road, BUT you are not alone.

As we look down the barrel of 2024 you may feel you need some support to make the progress you think you are capable of. If that’s the case contact me here.

Until next week, manage the pain don’t let it consume you.


Ready to take action?


#54. Take The High Ground.


#52. The Person You Become.