#64. Are We On The Same Page?

No, we are ready two different genres!

We have all heard the question asked - ‘Are we on the same page?’ - but rarely do I feel the answer is the truth.

The reason being is our inherent bias both as a human and more specifically a business owner.

We convince ourselves that our staff/contractors care just as much about our business as we do.

They don’t.

They say they do.

They don’t.

We want them to.

They don’t.

And they can’t.

When we we use our observable mind we are filling in the blanks. Especially if we have been in business/subject a while.

Not that we know it all, but we have the mental muscle memory that we skip the smallest details without realising.

If you think about it, there are so many variables, its a wonder we ever communicate effectively at all.

Let me break it down:

  1. Are we on the same page? - chances statistically are no.

  2. Are we reading the same book? - more likely.

  3. Slow readers versus fast readers - different stages of the book, still the same book.

  4. Same book - hardback, paperback, audiobook.

  5. When do we read the book? - morning, on a train, before sleep.

  6. Are we interested in the book? - yes, we take in more, no we skim through it.

  7. Do we understand the book? Age, subject knowledge, language skills, context.

You see. When we try to communicate a vision or an idea, before we start we are already up against a raft of barriers.

The clearer your vision, the easier it is to share and the more likely it becomes a reality.

Until next week, focus on the story, not the reading.


Are you playing games you don’t want to be? Let me help you uncover your true path.


#65. Harnessing The Power Of Purpose.


#63. Who Are You?