#61. AI Won’t Save You.

It will leave a deeper void.

There’s nothing more annoying than a shiny new thing, especially in business, because the value is often lower than the cost.

This is where AI will be really tricky for us humans, especially if we lean on it too much.

We have already seen the overwhelming majority of the younger generations struggle with the ability to engage in a deep and truly connected way.

Think of the last time you got amazing customer service in a cafe. Exactly. It just doesn’t happen.

And when it does it’s a total shock.

But why does AI pose such a risk to our businesses and more importantly our leadership?

Well, it’s yet another tool to desensitise us from building deep connections.

We have more communication tools than at any other time in history, yet we see more conflict, more mental health issues and an inability to manage our emotions, to the point, everyone is a threat.

Now, I only use AI as it’s the latest kid off the block and to be fair it will change our lives for the better, it will also create more digital trash on the internet that adds zero value to our lives and unfortunately, that digital trash will become our human reality.

So why the little rant Grant you ask?

Because I can see a bright future for us and our businesses, despite the onslaught of tech.

It is in fact a competitive advantage if you choose it to be.

Be it a service business or a retail business (Of which I have both), the ability to connect on a human level will be what sets you apart.

The nuance of connection, the ability to look into someone’s eyes and understand how you can improve their life, day, and world - that’s something that AI will never be able to take away. And it if does, I believe humanity will push back.

As we saw from the pandemic, we missed each other.

We couldn’t wait to get out and hang out. Be with each other and feel a warm hug or shake a hand.

Zoom and Teams were tools in context, but they didn’t create a connection.

So how do we protect ourselves from AI and make it a counter-competitive advantage?

  1. Know who you want to do business with - align your values and offering

  2. Embrace standing in front of that customer/client and know what they need

  3. Reduce all the layers of friction - we are great at making things complicated - make them easier

  4. Don’t manipulate - say it how it is - this is how I can help you and why…

  5. Don’t over-automate - yes for the boring shit, but not the value and creativity

  6. Give them a reason to want to work/hang/support you… that isn’t just dollars.

How do I know this to be true?

When you walk down the street and smile at a stranger, they will smile back, if you pull a funny face for a baby, they will giggle and when you see a loved one in pain, you too will feel that pain.

So yes AI is important, but humanity is more important.

Until next week, hunt connection down like your life depends on it.


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#62. I Apologise To Nobody.


#60. Set The Bar Low.